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Something sacred is set apart for some religious purpose. Secular is the opposite of sacred but a true antonym for this word depends on the context.

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Q: What is the opposite of sacred?
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Related questions

What is the opposite of the word sacred?

The opposite of the word sacred is profane, secular, or mundane.

What is the opposite of profane?

The opposite of profane is sacred or holy. Profane refers to something that is disrespectful or blasphemous, while sacred refers to something that is revered or considered spiritually significant.

What is the term used to mean the opposite of religious or sacred?

The term used to mean the opposite of religious or sacred is "secular" or "profane."

What is the opposite of secular?

The opposite of secular would be religious or spiritual.Secular means of or relating to the doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. Therefore the opposite to this has to be spiritual i.e concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church. The peoples of the world today are basically secular.The opposite of secular is "theocratic". It means a form of government by God or through a priestly order e.g: France or Pakistan.Religious.

What is the homophone of sacred?

The homophone of "sacred" is "sacred". It means the same and is pronounced the same way.

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It was sacred to Apollo

What were Demeter's sacred animals?

Her sacred animals are: The Serpent The Pig Her Sacred bird is: The Screech Owl

Can you give a sentence using the word sacred?

People often confuse sacred and scared. Oak trees are very sacred for Hindus.

Sacred cow in the US?

Cows are not sacred in the USA nor is there any sacred cow. This is only in India, not America. Cows are only sacred in the Hindu religion.

Form sentence with sacred?

The treasure box was sacred to me.

What animal was sacred to the kushites?

sacred animal of the kushites

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