Kafir is a Arabic word that means one who don't believe in god or one who don't believe in right(true) god. In Hindi we can say kafir as 'nastik' & 'adharmi'
what is the meaning of electroni in Hindi
It isnt a hindi word.
The word for literature in Hindi is 'Sahitya'.
Gilhari is the Hindi word for chipmunk.
dong Quai hindi meaning
what is the meaning of electroni in Hindi
The Hindi meaning of "did" is "किया" (kiya).
The Hindi meaning of "vatavaran" is environment.
Hindi meaning of disposed is 'nast karana"..
The meaning of walnuts in Hindi is "akhrot".
The Hindi meaning of turnip is "शलजम" (shaljam).
The Hindi meaning of "age" is आयु (ayu).
The meaning of 'carrot' in Hindi is "गाजर" (gaajar).
The meaning of "sheep" in Hindi is "भेड़" (pronounced as Bher).
The meaning of napunsa in the the Hindi word is sexless.
The Hindi meaning of "save" is "बचाना" (bachana).
The meaning of tamarind in Hindi is "इमली" (imli).