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Hades is the Greek word often translated as hell in English. Hades is not really the equivalent of the Christian concept of a pit of fiery torment for the punishment of unrepentant sinners, but the word is used that way in this phrase. It is often thought to be a little more polite than the crass 'hot as hell'.

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Q: What is the meaning of hot as hades?
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What does hot as hades mean?

hades is the greek god of the underworld (a very hot place 4 ded people) so it it a simile. meaning very hot.

What does hot as hades?

hot as Hades - hot as hell (in other words, fiendishly hot)

hot as hades?


What is the meaning of the name Hades?

Aides, Aidoneus, or Hades: meaning - Unseen One.

What is the meaning of invisible for hades?

The meaning of the word Hades is "unseen"; this has come to mean "invisible".

What is the meaning of the word hot as hades?

hades, or hell has a reputation as being very hot. Edit: Hades is the Greek god of the underworld, or hell.(FYI, word hell came from Norse Goddess Hel, which is the goddess of the underworld.) Greek underworld was known as a huge cave with many kinds of torturing devices, but not full of fire. It is a wrong expression since Greek underworld isn't hot. The expression must have came from "hot as hell".

Is Hades hot or cold?

Hades, in Greek Mythology and in many other ethnic tales, and even in the bible, is known for being hot.

Is Hades' home hot or cold?

both, because hades is supposedly the reason why we have summer and winter

Where does the phrase 'Hot as Hades' come from?

Christians imagine hell to be a fiery and unpleasant place. Hades in Greek mythology is both the god of the Underworld and what the realm is sometimes called. So; if something's as hot as Hades, it's extremely hot.

When Percy finds the address of the underworld in Los Angeles meaning Hades is?

Hades (or hell) is in Los Angeles.

Where is the graffette in Poptropica?

The graffiti is on Hades's 'temple'. Meaning, when you are on the errand for Zeus, just click the graffiti on Hades's so-called temple.

What are 3 adjectives describing hades that start with a?

arid (meaning dry) awful apocalyptic (meaning related to the end of the world)