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Q: What is the general liability class code for alcohol receipts of 100 percent?
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What percent alcohol is in a miller 64?

2.8 percent alcohol

Why 40 percent alcohol cheaper than 70 percent alcohol?

Because the concentration of alcohol is lower; you pay the alcohol not the water.

What is a 60 percent isopropyl alcohol?

This is a solution containg 60 percent isopropyl alcohol; can be used as rubbing alcohol.

If you mix 6 percent alcohol and another with 14 percent alcohol What percent is the alcohol?

There is no way to calculate that with the information provided. We need to know the volume of each.

How do you make 90 percent alcohol from 95 percent alcohol?

Add 5% water

What fraction of 10 percent alcohol should be mixed with 70 percent alcohol to obtain 50 percent alcohol?

2/3 of 70% and 1/3 of 10%

What is alcohol test?

Alcohol test ( proof ) is the percent of alcohol in drinks.

What type of business can comprise about 20 percent of all businesses but account for about 81 percent of US business receipts?

Corporations 20% of all businesses and 81% businesses receipts guess what are corporations.How do i known it read it in a book called Understanding Business hahahahahahahahaha.

How many ounces of 15 percent percent alcohol must be mixed with 23 percent alcohol solution to make 100 ounces?

That all depends on what you want the final concentration of alcohol to be.

How many ounces of a ten percent alcohol solution must be mixed with 6 ounces of a fifteen percent alcohol solution to make a thirteen percent alcohol solution?

4 ounces

The concentration of alcohol and water solution is 25 percent alcohol by volume what is volume of alcohol and 200 lM of solution?

If the concentration of alcohol and water solution is 25 percent alcohol by volume, the volume of alcohol in a 200 solution is 50.

How do you make 95 percent alcohol from 100 percent?

You mix the pure alcohol with something else, for example, water.