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A relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord then to the brain.

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Q: What is the function of relay neuron?
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In humans one function of an interneuron is to relay impulses directly from?

a sensory neuron to a motor neuron

What is the function of a relay neron?

transmission of nerve impulses from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron,located in the central nervous system.

Define relay neuron?

a relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord or the brain

Where neuron meets neuron?

they meet in the cns or relay naurone

Where are the cell bodies in relay neuron?

The Inter-neuron (also known as the local circuit neuron, relay neuron or the association neuron) is the neuron which connects the afferent and the efferent neurons in the neural pathways.

Where is the neuron?

The Inter-neuron (also known as the local circuit neuron, relay neuron or the association neuron) is the neuron which connects the afferent and the efferent neurons in the neural pathways.

What are relay neurons?

An interneuron (also called relay neuron, association neuron, connector neuron or local circuit neuron) is a neuron that forms a connection between other neurons. Interneurons are neither motor nor sensory.

Unipolar neuron function?

The function Of a neuron is to transmit a signal at a very fast rate.

Which type of neuron transfers messages across the CNS?

relay neuron

What connects sensory to motor neuron?

Interneurons(also called relay neuron, association neuron, connector neuron or local circuit neuron) are multipolar neurons that connects sensory neurons to motor neurons.

What is the Neuron function?

The function of a neuron is to transfer messages throughout the brain. These neurons are all attached and interpret everything that happens.

Type of neurones along a reflex arc?

the sensory receptor begins then the Relay neuron and final the motor neuron