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Q: What is the freezing point of polyethylene?
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Can You Put Plastic in a Freezer?

Plastic does not have a freezing point, but as with most materials, the colder temperature weakens the structural integrity. Take concrete for example, it doesn't have a freezing point, yet the cracks you see are from extreme cold.

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the freezing point is 100

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Why is the curve for the freezing point of solvent different from the freezing point of solution?

it is increased with the increasing density

The freezing point is the same as what other point?

The freezing point is the same as the melting point.

The melting point is also called what?

Freezing point is a synonym.

Is -1.00degree Celsius at freezing point?

0oC is freezing point

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what is irons freezing point

What is the freezing point of r12?

The freezing point is -252 degrees..................

Would vinegar affect the freezing point?

Vinegar will not affect the freezing point of vinegar.

What is oxygen's freezing point?

oxygen's freezing point is 222.65 degrees Celsius