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frequency density = frequency/group width

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Q: What is the equation for frequency density?
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What is the equation for frequency of a wave?

velocity = frequency multiply wavelength Rearrange the equation to find the frequency

If the strings with different density are used what will happen to oscillating frequency?

If strings with different density are used, the oscillating frequency will change, assuming that tension is maintained the same. With higher density, the frequency will go down; with lower density, the frequency will go up.The equation for frequency1 is ...f = k * tension0.5 / length / mass-per-unit-length0.5... so the frequency is inversely proportional to the square root of mass per unit length, which is related to density.--------------------------------------------------1"The Science of Musical Sound", John R. Pierce, Scientific American Library, 1983, page 22.

How do you work out frequency from a frequecny density histogram?

class width times frequency density gives you the frequency

How do you find the frequency and frequency density on a histogram when you are only given the class width?

To calculate the frequency density we will simply divide the frequency by the class width.

How do you calculate the frequency density in a histogram?

Frequency density= Frequency/Class width So shut ur mouth whoever is reading this!

Is there a relationship between density and stiffness?

the natural frequency of a system involves a equation relating mass and stiffness i.e f=1/2pi root of k/m where f : frequency k :stiffness m:mass mass is nothing but density*volume from the relation density = mass/volume another relation may be from the basic force equation f=-k*x we know f=m*a substuting for f we get m*a=-k*x

What is the equation for frequency?

Frequency = Wave speed / Wavelength.

What is equation for current and frequency relation-ship?

There is no such equation. The main reason is that there is no relationship between current and frequency.

Does frequency density divided by class width equals frequency?


What is the Equation by which energy and frequency are related?

Planck's Equation Energy=hf where h is Planck's Constant and f is the frequency.

How do you work out the frequency for a histogram?

Frequency Density multiplied by the class width

Equation for finding density?

density = mass/volume