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Q: What is the effect of low thyroxine levels?
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As thyroxine levels increase in the blood they exert negative feedback on the release of TSH by the pituitary gland. What effect will this have on the release of TSH?

As thyroxine levels increase the amount of TSH produced will decrease. On the other hand, when TSH levels increase the thyroxine levels will decrease. This is what causes the TSH/thyroxine levels to fluctuate.

How does thyroxin effect the human body?

Thyroxine is the hormone which controls the bodies metabolism. Increased thyroxine levels in the body may come about due to a tumor on/in the pituitary gland. This happens because of the hormone which stimulates the thyroid becomes over active and can lead to excess thyroxine levels

How the level of thyroxine in the blood affects the secretion of hormone TSH?

High levels of thyroxine in the blood negatively feedback to the pituitary gland, reducing the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Conversely, low levels of thyroxine signal the pituitary gland to increase TSH secretion to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more thyroxine.

What hormone causes low BMR mental and physical sluggishness?

Thyroid hormones, specifically thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), regulate basal metabolic rate. When thyroid hormone levels are low, it can lead to a decrease in metabolism, resulting in symptoms like mental and physical sluggishness.

What effect does thyroxine have on the body?

i duno man

Why thyroxine is used in both hyperthyroidismhypothyroidism?

Thyroxine is used in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism to restore thyroid hormone levels back to normal. In hypothyroidism, thyroxine supplementation helps to increase thyroid hormone levels that are deficient, while in hyperthyroidism, it can help to suppress excessive thyroid hormone production.

Explain why thyroxine had these effect?

dont know the answer

What is levotiroxina sodica used for?

Levotiroxina sodica is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, used to treat hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels). It works by replacing the missing hormone in the body to regulate metabolism and energy levels.

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My wife had low neutrophils [neutropenia] and low iron levels until she came of Enbrel.

What is low tsh?

low tsh is when you have low tinactimine sorachome hendrocytosis.