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Lead is a metal, and graphite is an allotrope (a form) of carbon. They are two different chemical elements, and they have quite different properties.

Lead is a soft, silvery metal. It's used in many applications, the primary one being in the manufacture of lead acid batteries. Those are the kind used in motor vehicles.

Carbon has several allotropes (or forms). One is graphite, the fine black powder that is used as a lubricant (particularly for lock mechanisms). Another is in the form of charcoal, and we use that as a filter medium and for barbeque fuel. Lastly, there is diamond. It is the hardest naturally occurring substance, and we use it as an industrial abrasive. Oh, and we also cut and polish the larger ones. And you know all about them....

As a close, graphite is also the substance in pencil lead. Back in the ancient world, the element lead was known, and it was also known that lead (the metal) could leave a mark on paper. Lead was adapted for and used in writing for a long time until it was replaced with powdered compressed graphite.

Need some links for lead and graphite? Got some for ya. They're to the Wikipedia articles of the same names. Surf on over and check things out.

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Lead is an element of chemical symbol Pb. Graphite is made of pure carbon (C) atoms with weak bonds between layers. This is what allows graphite to be a good writing material, the layers slide off of each other with ease.

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Graphite is a form of Carbon, so its carbon in lead graphite. Notice that lead itself is a different element but the term "lead graphite" is generally used for that black substance which makes the "lead pencils". Note that there is no lead in lead pencils, its carbon, in the shape of graphite.

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both, lead is made of graphite.

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Pencils were made of lead but it changed to graphite because they new the dangers of lead. 1564 was the time the United States switched to graphite

Why is graphite used in making pencil leads?

Lead was used at one time, but lead is poisonous. Children, especially, were poisoned by sucking on their pencils. So graphite was substituted for lead and works very well. Graphite may be superior to lead because it can be made with difference degrees of hardness. I do not know about the relative costs.

What is a pencil lead made out of graphite?

Pencil leads are always made out of graphite. The term lead comes from history, when they were made from lead, but they are now made from graphite.

Where does the lead from pencils come from?

The Lead in pencils come from graphite. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon.