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what is the difference between product analysis and heat analysis

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What is product analysis?

When people gather requirements, they're trying to understand what needs the product should fill. Requirements are the contents of the product. When you use product analysis to define the scope of the work to be done, you're figuring out what deliverables the team needs to work on in order to build your scope statement. So product analysis is concerned with how the work will be done, not what's in it.

What is a product analysis?

When people gather requirements, they're trying to understand what needs the product should fill. Requirements are the contents of the product. When you use product analysis to define the scope of the work to be done, you're figuring out what deliverables the team needs to work on in order to build your scope statement. So product analysis is concerned with how the work will be done, not what's in it.

What is a product analysis and what does it do?

When people gather requirements, they're trying to understand what needs the product should fill. Requirements are the contents of the product. When you use product analysis to define the scope of the work to be done, you're figuring out what deliverables the team needs to work on in order to build your scope statement. So product analysis is concerned with how the work will be done, not what's in it.

Is product analysis the same as requirements gathering?

Not exactly. When people gather requirements, they're trying to understand what needs the product should fill. Requirements are the contents of the product. When you use product analysis to define the scope of the work to be done, you're figuring out what deliverables the team needs to work on in order to build your scope statement. So product analysis is concerned with how the work will be done, not what's in it.

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