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does not involve nerves

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Q: What is the difference between a unconditioned reflex and a conditioned reflex?
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What is the difference between a simple reflex and a conditioned?

A simple refelx refers to a reflex inborn, such as blinking or coughing. Meanwhile,a conditioned reflex is a reflex developed by an individual owing to learning/experience such as playing a musical instrument,where notes can be played without attention due to experience.

What are the elements of classical conditioning of psychology?

1. Neutral Stimulus(NS)-A stimulus that does not evoke a response 2.Unconditioned Stimulus(US)-A stimulus innately capable of eliciting a response 3.Conditioned Stimulus(CS)-A stimulus that evokes a response b/c it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus 4.Unconditioned Response(UR)-An innate reflex response elicited by a US 5.Conditioned Response(CR)-A learned response elicited by a CS

Ivan Pavlov provided evidence that reflexes can be learned through what?

Pavlov provided evidence that reflexes can be stimulated through classical conditioning. By paring an unconditioned stimulus (ex: food) with a conditioned stimulus (ex: tuning fork). After pairing trials, the conditioned stimulus alone can cause the dog to drool (a reflex).

What is the difference between conscious action and reflex action?

A reflex action is an action by which your body does subconsciously or naturally whereas a conscious action is an action that you intentionally respond and act towards.

Difference between conscious action and reflex action?

Reflex is when something in your body does natuarally (can't stop) and conscious action is when you respond and act towards it. For example: if a bee stung you, you quickly move away

Related questions

What is the difference between a simple reflex and a conditioned?

A simple refelx refers to a reflex inborn, such as blinking or coughing. Meanwhile,a conditioned reflex is a reflex developed by an individual owing to learning/experience such as playing a musical instrument,where notes can be played without attention due to experience.

What are the elements of classical conditioning of psychology?

1. Neutral Stimulus(NS)-A stimulus that does not evoke a response 2.Unconditioned Stimulus(US)-A stimulus innately capable of eliciting a response 3.Conditioned Stimulus(CS)-A stimulus that evokes a response b/c it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus 4.Unconditioned Response(UR)-An innate reflex response elicited by a US 5.Conditioned Response(CR)-A learned response elicited by a CS

Ivan Pavlov provided evidence that reflexes can be learned through what?

Pavlov provided evidence that reflexes can be stimulated through classical conditioning. By paring an unconditioned stimulus (ex: food) with a conditioned stimulus (ex: tuning fork). After pairing trials, the conditioned stimulus alone can cause the dog to drool (a reflex).

Ivan pavlov provided evidence that reflexes can be learned through?

Pavlov provided evidence that reflexes can be stimulated through classical conditioning. By paring an unconditioned stimulus (ex: food) with a conditioned stimulus (ex: tuning fork). After pairing trials, the conditioned stimulus alone can cause the dog to drool (a reflex).

What is a Synonym for electric shock?

Electrical shock, shock, reflex, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned reflex, physiological reaction, trauma, injury, and corporal punishment.

The patellar reflex is a type of?

knee jerk aka patellar reflex is an example of a stretch reflex

Is shutting of eyelids on exposure to bright light a simple or conditioned reflex?

Simple reflex

What is a conditioned reflex?

an acquired response that is under the control of a stimulus

Is obeying orders is a reflex action?

obeying orders are conditioned reflexes

Which scientist propounded the conditioned reflex theory?

the russian scientist pavlov.

Negative conditioned reflexes or inhibition of conditioned reflexes?

The established conditioned reflexes can be inhibited by some factors. The inhibition is of two types. External or indirect inhibition Internal or direct inhibition External or indirect inhibitionThe established conditioned reflex is inhibited by some form of stimulus, which is quite different from the conditioned stimulus. It is not related to conditioned stimulus. For example, some disturbing factors like sudden entrance of a stranger, sudden noise, or a strong smell can abolish the conditioned reflex and inhibit salivary secretion. The extra stimulus evokes the animal's curiosity and distracts the attention. According to Pavlov, this evokes an investigatory reflex. If the extra (inhibitory) stimulus is repeated for some time, its inhibitory effect gets weakened or abolished. Internal or direct inhibition There are four ways in which, the established conditioned reflex is abolished by direct or internal factors, which are related to the conditioned stimulus.

What is the difference between call of duty 4 reflex edition and standard?

their is no frickin difference