

What is the density of coal?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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Density of Coal may vary, depends on the type (structure) and form. Below are some density of coal :

- Coal, Anthracite, solid 1.506 gr/ml

- Coal, Anthracite, broken 1.105 gr/ml

- Coal, Bituminous, solid 1.346 gr/ml

- Coal, Bituminous, broken 0.833 gr/ml

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Q: What is the density of coal?
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coal can float on water, because water's density is 1.0 g/cm3. and nothing is able to float on water unless it's density is less than water's density (; hope this helps you out! coal can float on water, because water's density is 1.0 g/cm3. and nothing is able to float on water unless it's density is less than water's density.

What is the density of coal in cubic meter?

Density is irrespective of quantity.Different types of coal have different densities:Anthracite has a density of about 1,5 (1500 kg/m3)Bituminous has a density of about 1,35 (1350 kg/m3)These densities are for the solid oreWhen broken the density is about 3/4 of the solid value.

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That depends on the liquid and the solid. Coal is a solid with a very low density. Mercury is a liquid with a very high density.

What is the density of processed coal?

When asking the density of a given object, you understand that an object that has a specific gravity (sg) of <1 will sink when placed in water. By processed coal, you may need to see: Bituminous coal (solid): 1346 kg/cu.m. Bituminous coal (broken): 833 kg/cu.m. Anthracite coal (broken): 1105 kg/cu.m. Anthracite coal (solid): 1506 kg/cu.m. The energy density of coal--in other words its heating value-- is 24 megajoules per kilogram. (Note that one kilowatt-hour is 3.6 megajoules.

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Coal can be heavier or lighter than water depending on its type. Most types of coal are heavier than water in terms of density, however, broken bituminous coal has only a density of 0.833 kg/m3, so it is lighter than water.

How I calculate storage area of coal fird power plant?

Volume X density of coal/2000 L X W X H X 85/2000