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Historical materialism is the theory that social structures, including economic systems, are shaped by material conditions such as technology and resources. Karl Marx argued that history is driven by the struggle between different social classes, particularly the conflict between the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat), ultimately leading to revolution and the establishment of a classless society.

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Marx's theory of 'historical materialism' is that materialistic matters, meaning economic matters, are what drive history through its many changes. The feudal society had simple means of production which created workers like artisans who were fairly individualized. As industry evolved the means of production evolved from feudalism into capitalism, making the individual artisans into a common labor force of factory workers. This led to creation of the class struggle between the owners of the means of production (Bourgeoisie) and non-owners, the wage earners (Proletariat). The capitalist economic system will evolve into socialism as the means of production in capitalism become more and more efficient turning more and more workers into common laborers evolving into socialism. Socialism will have different means of production and they will cause socialism to evolve into communism.

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An account of a historical event by someone who witnessed the event.

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Q: What was Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism?
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