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Q: What is the best estimate of the width of your index finger?
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With your index and middle finger... if loose, insert fist

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meaning? they make simple actions more easier to perform

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Which measurement is the best estimate of the width of your classroom?

20 inch

Does cracking your knuckles hurt?

Cracking your knuckles usually doesn't cause pain. The sound is created by gas bubbles being released from the fluid surrounding your joints, not from bones grinding together. However, excessive knuckle cracking may lead to joint inflammation or reduced grip strength over time.

Which is the best best estimate to find a width of a door?

20 centimeters 1meter 4 decimeters 1 kilometers

What are the best knuckle rings for a girl with attitude?

I like sterling coils that have a cyberpunk inspired look. Taking on the index finger and 1/2 of the middle finger. Also, anything that represents orobouros or coiled snake in gold or sterling.

What is the best estimate of the width of a school desk a. 20 metersb. 20 feetc. 20 inchesd. 20 centimeters?

20 centimeters

What is the best way to bowl a slower ball in cricket?

Instead of hold the ball loosely in-between your index finger, middle finger and thumb you hold it tighter. Don't change your delivery in anyway, it will automatically take about 4mph -8mph off your delivery.

How do you hold a golf club if I am right handed?

For right handers, it is best to put your right hand below your left on the grip. You then interlock your right pinky and your left index finger.

Why are index Fossil helpful for performing relative dating?

Because they give us the best estimate of how old all the other fossils are in that sedimentary layer.