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For a low cost policy your deductible will be somewhere around $5,000-$7,000 with an additional prescription deductible of around $700-$1,000. There are many different policies from many different companies that fit families and individuals from all walks of life so finding one that suites you shouldn't be a hard task.

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Q: What is the average deductible of a low cost life insurance?
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NO. Life insurance premiums would NOT be deductible on your 1040 federal income tax return.

What is the average cost for life insurance?

The cost of life insurance depends on many factors. Age, gender and how mych coverage you choose will depend on how much it will cost you.

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The average cost for insurance for a newborn baby will be around $10 a month. If you get insurance at an early age and keep it, it will be cheaper throughout your life.

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The average cost of a typical life insurance policy can very based on the age and overall health of the person taking out the life insurance policy. For example, some insurance companies will give individuals who exercise regularly a discount on insurance.

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What is the average monthly cost for life insurance?

The average monthly cost of life insurance depends on a number of factors. There is no specific average monthly cost for life insurance for several reasons: 1. There are many type of life insurance. 2. Rates for life insurance vary by insurance company. 3. Several factors are considered when determining your life insurance rate, including: your age, gender, occupation, health, family health history, height-to-weight ratio, smoker/non-smoker, type of life insurance, amount of life insurance, premium payment option, hobbies, among other things.

Do you have to pay taxes on premiums for an indivdual life policy?

Life insurance premiums are not tax deductible, in general. However, group life insurance premiums are deductible for a business if the death benefit is $50,000 or less. Also, using key man insurance and executive bonus mechanisms, sometimes there can be some tax advantages. But, the premium is not deductible.

What is the average cost of life insurance?

The average cost of basic life insurance will vary depending on things such as a person's age, the type of policy, the coverage selected and the country of location. One can usually get a very basis life insurance policy for as low as $15 to $20 per month.

What factors play into the cost of getting individual life insurance?

"Factors that play into the cost of getting individual life insurance are your age, health, average amount of money you make, who you're getting life insurance for and how risky you live."

How does allstate insurance work?

Allstate insurance covers the cost of particular items, like vehicles, boats, houses, apartments, items in dwellings, life, and retirement in exchange for a monthly premium and deductible. Monthly premiums vary based on what is being insured, the amount of the deductible, and your personal background.

What is the average cost of basic life insurance?

The average cost of basic life insurance will vary depending on things such as a person's age, the type of policy, the coverage selected and the country of location. One can usually get a very basis life insurance policy for as low as $15 to $20 per month.