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Regulating the Ph of your blood.

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Q: What is the another job of your lungs besides getting oxygen for your cells?
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Why do you breathe faster after running hard and after playing hard?

Breathing is when your body is getting oxygen to your cells. When you are physically active your cells use the oxygen faster so you have to breathe faster to get the same amount of oxygen to your cells

What do blood cells deliver to cells?

WIthout getting too technical, Oxygen to the cells, Carbon Dioxide on the way back

What does blood carry besides other waste proudducts round the boody?

Oxygen, hormones, white blood cells.

What body system is responsible for getting oxygen to the cells?

The respiratory system is responsible for getting oxygen into the body and removing carbon dioxide from the body. This process occurs through breathing, where oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and then transferred into the bloodstream to be delivered to cells throughout the body.

Why does the oxygen need to travel into the blood?

All the cells require oxygen, and so the way of them getting it is via the blood.

What does carbon monoxide do to you when you smoke?

It reduces the amount of oxygen getting to your body cells.

What is the name of the process of sponges getting oxygen into their cells?

The process is called diffusion

What other organisms besides plants and animals need oxygen to live?

Cells, that's why your body needs to circulate oxygenated blood!

What is another substance besides proteins that is made by Cells?

Sugars; as well as lipids - (both fats and oils).

Does the heart carry anything besides blood?

The heart does not actually carry anything, it only pumps blood. The blood however, carries nutrients and oxygen to body cells and wastes away from the cells.

What do red blood cells carry besides carbon dioxide?

Red blood cells primarily carry oxygen throughout the body, binding to hemoglobin in the cells. This oxygen is essential for cell function and energy production. Additionally, red blood cells help transport nutrients, waste products, and hormones in the blood.

What cells help you get oxygen?

Red Blood cells help you get oxygen to your cells