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20 pounds of feathers be the same weight as 20 pounds of sand?

They're both 20 pounds.

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Q: What is more heavy 20 pounds of sand or 20 pounds of feathers?
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What is heavier 2000 pounds of sand or 2000 pounds of feathers?

They total the same, a handful of sand for example would weigh more than a handful of feathers but because they both add up to a specific weight neither is heavier than the other there would just be more feathers than sand..

Why does a kilogram of sand take up less space than a kilogram of feathers?

because sand is smaller than feathers and it would take up as much space with the sand , and if the feathers were there it would take up more space because its and larger object than the sand .

Why does a kg of sand take up less space then a kg of feathers?

Because sand is a more dense substance than feathers - it has a larger mass-to-volume ratio.

How many pounds are there in cups?

a cup is considered a liquid measurement, not weight. eg: what is heavier, a cup of feathers or a cup of sand?

Why does a kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram?

A kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram of feathers because sand is denser than feathers. Density refers to how much mass is contained in a given volume. Since sand particles are heavier and more compact than feathers, they occupy less space for the same mass.

Is gold heavier than sand?

No, sand is freaking heavy

What father soaks himself in water so his babies can drink from his feathers?

The sand grouse will soak his feathers for his chicks to drink.

How many pounds of sand in 143 cubic feet?

14,300 pounds. Sand has a density of 100 pounds per cubic foot.

What is heavier a kilo of sand a kilo of iron a kilo of feathers a kilo of flour or a kilo of fruits?

They are equal weight.

Four prisoners are buried in the sand up to their necks a?

Film The four feathers

How much does 1 liter of sand weigh in pounds?

3.96 pounds 1 litre of sand weighs 1.8kg so times that by 2.2= 3.96 and that is in pounds

How much sand in a 50lb bag of play sand?

50 pounds