

What is mean by GA of Boiler?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is mean by GA of Boiler?
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You must mean "why can i model a boiler and pump" as an electrical circuit. The answer is "elecrical components can be arranged to correspond to a useful mathematical model for the boiler and pump."

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psi is Pounds per Square Inch, and is a measure of the pressure inside the boiler.

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GA stands for gestational age.

Which is the main thing in steam engine?

If by 'main' you mean largest then that would be the boiler.

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It means to supply a stove, furnace, or boiler with fuel.

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What is Auxiliary Boiler?

An auxiliary boiler is a secondary boiler used to support the main boiler in a steam power plant or marine vessel. It is often used when the main boiler is unable to meet the steam demands, providing additional steam capacity. Auxiliary boilers can also be used for heating purposes during maintenance or downtime of the main boiler.

Define boiler and classification of boiler?

Boiler can be classified as below

What is the difference between the operation of a automatic boiler and manual boiler?

boiler are working on same principal but automatic and manual boiler has difference that manual boiler working at single element loop and automatic boiler work at three element loop.single loop means when fuel increase mean load increase on boiler by adjusting fuel operator has to adjust steam drum level manualy , while automatic means when load increas, fuel increase steam drum level adjust automaticaly by watching fuel consumption.