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NaHCO3 with Na+ and HCO3- ions

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Q: What is ionic compound formula for sodium bicarbonate?
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Related questions

Is sodium bicarbonate covalent?

It is both ionic and covalent since there is metal to metal bonding as well as metal to non-metal bonding in the compound.

Is sodium bicarbonate ionic polar covalent or non polar covalent?

Sodium bicarbonate is an ionic compound.

Is baking soda ionic compound?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an ionic compound.

Is baking soda a ionic compound?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an ionic compound.

Is ammonium bicarbonate a compound?

Yes. Ammonium bicarbonate is an ionic compound with the formula NH4HCO3.

What is the molecular formula of sodium bicarbonate?

NaHCO3. Note that since this compound has ionic bonds, it does not strictly have molecules but instead has "formula units.

Is baking powder covalent or ionic?

Sodium bicarbonate is an ionic compound.

What is the ionic compound name for nahco4?

NaHCO3 is a chemical compound known as sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate. Sodium bicarbonate sate is used as baking soda.

What the ionic compound for sodium bicarbonate?

Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3, contains the Na+ and HCO3- ion (C(OH)O2-)

Is sodium bicarbonate a solid chemical element or chemical compound at room temperature?

NaHCO3 , sodium bicarbonate, is a compound. It is a solid at Room temperature, since it is ionic. The elements in sodium bicarbonate are: Sodium(Na), Hydrogen(H), Carbon (C) and Oxygen (O).

Is sodium bicarbonate organic or inorganic?

Sodium bicarbonate is an inorganic compound as it does not contain any carbon-hydrogen bonds.

Is NaHCO3 a metal?

No. Sodium bicarbonate is an ionic compound consisting of sodium ions, hydrogen ions and carbonate ions. While sodium is a metal, the compound in whole is not.