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Acne is the result of sebum being trapped in a follicle with a piece of dirt or bacteria.

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Q: What is called when the result of sebum being trapped in a follicle with a piece of dirt or bacteria?
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Is the result of sebum being trapped in a follicle with a piece of dirt or bacteria?

Body Odor ^^ is wrong it is Acne

When does moderate and severe inflammatory types of acne occur?

result after the plugged follicle is invaded by Propionibacterium acnes, a bacteria that normally lives on the skin. A pimple forms when the damaged follicle weakens and bursts open, releasing sebum, bacteria, and skin

What is the vector of acne?

one of the major causes of acne is Propionibacterium acne bacteri,although it is a normal bacteria found in skin but it the vector which in certain circumstances can cause blockage of the follicle on the skin surface and result in acne formation

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Mr. Cahn's has a sub today

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Bacterias that do not need oxygen are called anaerobic.

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Genetic engineering of the bacteria.

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what does this mean? rare A bacteria

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Green colonies are a result of a protein called biliverdin or sometimes a variation just called hemolytic verdin. It is a result of incomplete hemolysis of blood, and is produced by any member of the pneumoniae family. If you see green bacteria on MacConkey, it is a form of penumoniae.

What hormone is secreted by the follicle wall during ovulation?

In the late maturation follicular phase, the dominant follicle level secretion of estrogen crosses a certain threshold stimulating Luteinizing Hormone (LH) secretion, which in turn stimulates more estrogen production by the follicle. The result is a rapid increase in LH secretion, the LH surge, and therefore triggers the rupture of the dominant follicle, in other words, ovulation.

What is inside a pimple?

The pus in a zit is bactaria from all the dirt that is in the zit if you want it to go away don't pop it because it will flare up and your present, a scar so just use facewash or something helpful and it will go away

Result of bacteria growing on top of broth?

The effect was that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin the blue-green moss that coveredthe moss was called penicillium potatum.

What is brownian the movement of tiny particles called?

The Brownian movement is a result from random motion of water molecules that bombard the bacteria and causes the bacteria to move. True motility involves the 3 modes of motility and self propulsion does so as well.