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Sacred music is played in churches and meditation rooms. This is music that is to be revered and not taken for granted. Hymns are sacred music.

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The purpose and meaning of sacred music is to give reverence and adoration to a supernatural being. This is considered to be a form of worship.

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oratorio (APEX)

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Glorify God/Jesus

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Hymns are often sung in churches.

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Q: What is sacred music?
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How council of Trent affect the performance and style of sacred music?

The Council of Trent specified that music in churches should for sacred purposes. The distinctions between secular, worldly music and sacred music, and their functions were made clear. What goes on in Church should be the worship of God, be it preaching, singing, liturgical dancing music or ritual.

Why do Indians view music as a sacred art?

Indian music was God-given. The scripture tells of celestial musicians bringing music to earth from heaven. To the Indians, music is a sacred art. The Indians believe that music has relation with the gods and goddesses : Shiva - The destroyer Brahma - The creator Vishnu - The preserver Vena - The god of knowledge -- ciEba mariEL XD

Who wrote the piano music to the new cannon commercial?

Composed by: Michael Montes Preformed by: Sacred Noise it was written for that commercial

What was Giovanni da Palestrina called?

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was born on March 4, 1525.

What is a specific characteristic of Medieval period sacred music?

Medieval sacred music was performed by choirs, often accompanied by groups of musicians. In many places, such performers were monks and nuns. Clearly, in other places, the performers were simply church goers. The instruments were not yet standardized, and parts were seldom assigned to specific instruments, though they might be assigned to voices designated as male or female. A part might be sung or played, but was often done both ways simultaneously. Instruments were designated according to whether they were to be used in procession or inside the church as outdoor or indoor instruments. There were, for example, positive organs, for indoor use, which were generally not moved around much because they were large, and portative organs, which were carried by the players, and were what you might imagine an accordion to be if it had pipes instead of reeds. So the music was performed by people gathered in a church or people out on the street in procession

Related questions

Sacred music is always liturgical music?

No, sacred music is not always liturgical music, although it often is.

When was World Sacred Music Festival created?

World Sacred Music Festival was created in 1994.

Did Chopin write sacred or secular music?

Chopin wrote secular music. All of it is for or at least involves his instrument, the piano. He wrote no sacred music at all.

Are hymns and poems the same?

No, Hymns are sacred songs set to music while poems are not set to music nor are they necessarily sacred.

What is the web address of the Sacred Heart Music Center in Duluth Minnesota?

The web address of the Sacred Heart Music Center is:

How council of Trent affect the performance and style of sacred music?

The Council of Trent specified that music in churches should for sacred purposes. The distinctions between secular, worldly music and sacred music, and their functions were made clear. What goes on in Church should be the worship of God, be it preaching, singing, liturgical dancing music or ritual.

What is a sacred story set to music?


What is the phone number of the Sacred Heart Music Center in Duluth Minnesota?

The phone number of the Sacred Heart Music Center is: 218-723-1895.

Is messiah by George Handel sacred or secular music?

Sacred. The whole thing is about Jesus Christ.

What is the meaning of sacred and secular song?

Sacred song is used for worship or religious purposes. Secular song is common, everyday music.

What is examples of sacred music?

Hymns are often sung in churches.

What is the meaning of sacredmusic?

sacred music is music used in churches, they are called hymns and psalms