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Q: What is an adjective for health?
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What is an adjective for healthy?

It is an adjective. Healthy is the adjective form of the noun health.

Is as one of an adjective?


Is health an adverb?

No, health is a noun. The adverb form of the adjective healthy is "healthily." (it is seldom used)

What is the part of speech of healthy?

The word healthy is an adjective. It means to be in good health.

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Is health a verb or an adjective?

Health is not a verb or an adjective. The word 'health' is a noun, a word for the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; the freedom from disease; a word for a thing.

What is healthl for an adjective?

I think you mean "what is the adjective form of 'health'?" If so, then it's 'healthy'.

What is abstract noun of health?

The word health is an abstract noun (physical wellness). The adjective is healthy.

What is the abstract noun of health?

The word health is an abstract noun (physical wellness). The adjective is healthy.

What is the Adjective form of health?

Some adjectives that describe the noun sick:disgustinggrossnastypainfulqueasySome synonyms for the adjective sick:ailingdebilitatedillimpairedunwell

What is the noun for healthy?

The noun form of the adjective 'healthy' is healthiness.The word 'healthy' is the adjective form of the noun health.

What part of speech is the word health?

Healthful is an adjective.