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Q: What is a way of living based on healthy attitude and action?
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Is the csiro diet suitable for teenagers?

Your daughter can do fine on this diet. It is based around a healthy style of living and eating, which is a great thing for anyone to get into.

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What type of equal opportunity violation is described as Any attitude or action by an individual or group because of color or other physical traits is?

The type of equal opportunity violation described as any attitude or action taken against an individual or group because of their color or physical traits is racial discrimination. This includes treating someone unfairly based on their race, color, or physical characteristics, which is a clear violation of equal opportunity principles.

What is meant by an attitude of professional spectism?

An attitude of professional skepticism involves questioning information, assumptions, and evidence with an open and critical mind. It entails a healthy level of doubt and a willingness to thoroughly investigate and verify information to ensure that decisions and conclusions are based on reliable and credible sources. This mindset is important for professionals in various fields to maintain objectivity and integrity in their work.

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Perceptual region

Which is a Chinese philosophy based on the writings of Lao tzu?

Taoism is a Chinese philosophy based on the writings of Lao Tzu. It emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or the natural way of the universe, and promotes simplicity, compassion, and non-action.

What was Sonic the Hedgehog's personality based off of?

Sonic the Hedgehog's personality was based off of Bill Clinton's "Get it done" attitude.

What scientific attitude is being reffered to give truthful opinion?

Objective and evidence-based. This attitude involves forming opinions and conclusions based on actual data and facts rather than personal biases or preconceived notions.

How many germs are on a cats claw?

That is an unquantifiable question, cats claws would be likely to come into contact with bacteria but an actual figure would be based on how healthy the cat was and in what environment the cat was living in.

What does faith require to make it a living faith?

A living faith requires belief in something unseen, trust in the divine plan, and taking action based on that belief. It involves surrendering to a higher power and allowing it to guide one's thoughts and actions.

Can defensiveness be inherited?

No, people develop a defensive attitude over time based on experiences they have had