VG2 is the gun which used by the officer to capture the high speed of the vehicle. People made anti VG2 radar detector called RDD or something I forgot. So officer made VG4......and so on....
To embed JavaScript code is to include it in the HTML page. For example, this will embed the code to display an alert: <script type="text/javascript"> alert("Embedded alert!"); </script>
Here we go... if(document.addListener){ alert("Yay! Not IE!"); }else{ alert("Booo! IE or something terribly old."); }
There isn't much to it:---alert("Hello " + "world!");---'alert' creates a popup, and the + does string concatenation.See related link for a Javascript tutorial.
You could open a new window instead and set it to a certain size using You would have to program a button that closes the window but that is quite easy. You could also insert lots of new lines with '\n' in the alert text, but there's no way to change the width.
She sand a song
were is it located the turn singnal flasher
VG2 Immunity referrers to the ability of a radar detector to keep you from being seen by the VG2 radar detector detector. The VG2 radar detector detector is used by police agencies in the U.S. and countries (Canada for one) where the use and or possession of a radar detector is illegal. The authorities use the VG2 to detect whether or not you are using a radar detector. The VG2 detects the electronic emissions of non-stealthed radar detectors allowing law enforcement to pull over offenders, ticket them and (in Canada and some U.S. states) confiscate the detector. Radar detectors that use Shadow Technology™ are purported to be shielded in such a way that the amount of detectable emissions allowed to escape the detector are not enough to trigger the VG2 radar detector detector thus making them "immune" to the VG2. It should be noted that in Canada i believe that use and/or possession of a radar detector is considered "conspiracy to speed" and carries a hefty fine and includes the confiscation of the radar detection unit. Edit: In Canada, there are certain Provinces were radar detectors are illegal. You are allowed to use them in BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
C singnal is for stop
i dont no for sure but he definelatly has 10000000000 girls chasing him
it is the part of the transmitter which modulate the singnal.
You have a weak ground connection.
it is most likely the turn signal flasher
noise is an undesired and unwanted sound or singnal in communication
The antonym of "gesticulate" is "still" or "calm."
Really, about $20 wholesale and $40 retail! I think vg10 has a few more costly ingredients. Both are excellent.