

What is a simile about a teacher?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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14y ago

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Your teacher is as awesome as a rock star.

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Q: What is a simile about a teacher?
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A metaphor, a simile uses the words like or as.

Thermal in a simile sentence?

The word simile is a noun. The teacher had the students read a poem called, The Secret Trunk, then asked them to find the simile used by the author.

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A simile.

Is this a simile my teacher is a really nice teacher?

No, similies involve words like 'as' ex: As big as an elephantNo, a simile is a comparison between two things using the words "like" or "as" such as:The sun is like a lightbulbA metaphor is a comparison between two things without the words "like" or "as" such as:The sun is a lightbulb

What are literary techniques used in the sentence He has this ice-cream voice like a kindergarten teacher?

The sentence uses a simile to compare the person's voice to something familiar (ice-cream) to create a vivid image for the reader. It also employs personification by attributing human-like qualities (kindergarten teacher) to the voice, enhancing the description.

Is the snow was like powder a simile?

'the snow was like a powder' is a simile. So, to answer your question, yes it is. just remember that, a simile is a comparison using 'like' or 'as'. so therefore it is a simile. in addition to that, a metaphor is a comparison without using 'like' or 'as', it says something 'is' something. e.g. The teacher was a King stepping on his minions. i know this is a vary long and explaining answer but thought it was useful for you to know. Okay, hope this helped. :)

Is I felt like a cheetah when I ran the race a simile or a metaphor?

A metaphor

What is a simile for smart?

"She was as smart as an owl" is one example.Another is "he is as smart as a doorknob".

Is would be as hot as popping grease a simile or a metaphor?

It is a simile.