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Homework is like a pigeon. They are unwanted and impossible to get rid of!

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Q: What is a metaphor for homework?
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A metaphor for homework?

Homework is a rock. This means that it is hard

Cute as a kitten ( is it a similie or metaphor?

Just need to know for Homework

What is an example of a metaphor for you had a lot of homework last night?

"My homework last night was like Hercules' assignment to clean the Augean Stables".

Is cold blooded a metaphor or a simile?

i don't know really doing college homework

How does the metaphor in this passage most clearly support the author's purpose?

This question can't be answered. We don't have the passage you were given. This is also homework and we don't do homework for students.

You are in the 7th grade and need two examples of the following hyperbole simile metaphor personification for homework?

personification- the trees danced in the wind smile- her cheeks were as res as a cherry metaphor- i don't know hyperbole- i text so fast i can text 20 words in a second

Rupert brooke the soldier where are the similes or metaphors?

There is only one similie that i found when i was doing my homework, it was "dreams as happy as her day" and the metaphor is when he refers to himself as dust. Hope this helped

Could you give me a metaphor with massive?

Being able to finally answer his homework question brought him massive relief. In this sentence, "massive" is used metaphorically to describe "relief", a feeling that has no mass.

How do the gilded six bits function as a metaphor for the theme of the story?

Do your homework yourself. It's super easy. The gilded six-bits represent how great money is and how we should do anything we can to find it.

Is my brother was boiling mad a simile or metaphor?

Its a metaphor

Is Frank's heart a open book a metaphor or a simile?

It is a metaphor.

What is walking dictionary a simile or a metaphor?

it is neither, it is personification