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There are list of foods that are better for your diet depending what blood type you are. Some of the foods that are recommended are dairy, beans fruits and vegatables. There are even some foods that help out with weight loss.

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Q: What is a list of foods for B blood type?
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On the blood type diet, what types of foods are prohibited on the type B blood food list?

The Blood Type Diet plan can be found on Dr. Peter D'Adamo's website, This website has lists of foods and supplements for people with various blood types, including Type B.

What foods should be eaten by people with type b blood?

Some of the foods you should eat with a B blood type is gamey foods such as rabbit, lamb, venison, etc. Eating fruits and vegetables are also great foods for your blood type along with low fat dairy.

Where can I find a list of foods for a type b blood diet?

It states that people who have type b blood, it is best to eat fish, but not shellfish. Chicken is not reccommended, either. has a detailed type b food chart which can help for further questions. also has information.

What are the different foods by blood type? has a list of foods to eat by blood type. Each blood type varies, such as people with type a blood should remain on a mostly vegetarian diet, while people with blood type B should eat red mean, but avoid lentils, peanuts, and corn. Type o blood type needs to maintain a balanced diet while avoiding carbs.

Is there a list of certain foods for blood type B?

According to Dr. Peter D'Adamo's Eat Right for your Type website, the best diet for someone with Blood Type B would include meats such as goat, mutton, lamb, rabbit and venison as well as green veggies.

What foods are better for B blood types?

Type B blood types should avoid foods with sunflower seeds or nuts. They should eat plenty of fish. They should avoid shellfish. Dairy food's are good for those with type B blood.

If you have blood type is B positive how can you become overweight?

Your blood type will not effect your weight. The foods you eat and the calories in your foods versus the amount of exercise you do will determine your weight gain.

Foods that help B- blood type lose weight.?

A B blood type diet consists of grains, dairy products, beans, legumes, meat, fruits and vegetables. Blood Type B are discouraged to consume peanuts, corn, sesame seeds, lentil and wheat. Foods that can aid in weight loss in this blood type diet are eggs, greens, liver and tea.

What is the diet for people with type B blood?

People with B type blood should focus their dietary decisions on dairy. They thrive on the consumption of dairy food. Foods such as milk, eggs, and butter will allow a person with B type blood to thrive.

What is the best diet for blood type b?

For a person whose blood type is B, foods rich in protein and low in fat are the best options. Those with this blood type are recommended to avoid corn and wheat products.

Does Type B blood have A antigens?

No, type B blood does not have A antigens. Type B blood has B antigens.

Do people with blood type B have to eat certain foods?

A person with type B blood should typically eat a balanced diet. Although there are certain foods to avoid, such as: corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. These foods slow down the digestion process.