

What is a guardian at litum?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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11y ago

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a state apointed asistant kidnapper

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Q: What is a guardian at litum?
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Can a guardian Ad Litum be sued by the Defendant if the case is lost can the Defendant recover their cost from the Guardian?

yes, if malpractice is involved

What reasons will a judge use to makes a mother unfit?

* History of infractions * Abuse of drugs or alcohol * Child abuse charges * Study job and employment * Good references * Child Welfare evaluation/Friend of the Court/Guardian Ad Litum reports

Can a 16-year-old move out of their parents' home without permission provided they are moving in with a legal guardian?

Who has legal custody of you? Your parents or this other person that you refer to as a 'legal guardian'? More detail is needed in order to answer this question. A legal guardian or guardian ad litum is someone who has been designated by the court to oversee the welfare of a minor or in some cases an adult who has been deemed legally incompetent. If you have a guardian who has been appointed by the court you may leave the parental home and reside with that person w/o permission of anyone else. Once the court has granted guardianship that person has legal power to oversee anything that relates to the minor including where the live.

How do you be a guardian on dragonfable?

you need to buy it... you have to be a guardian at AQ and then u can be a guardian at DF when you are a guardian at AQ you have instructions...

Do you i have to be a guardian to get the blade of awe?

Yes you have to be guardian because its guardian only :)

What is the difference between guardian and permanent guardian?

A guardian is appointed by a court to make decisions on behalf of a minor or incapacitated adult. A permanent guardian is a type of guardian who is granted long-term or permanent authority over the ward's affairs, often until the ward reaches adulthood or the guardianship is terminated by the court.

What is the difference between guardian and permanent legal guardian?

Guardian i having part guardian over someone. Permanent legal guardian is when you will be taking care of someone for life.

How do you say 'guardian' in Hebrew?

a male guardian: shomer a female guardian: shomeret

How do you become an ultra or anti guardian on adventure quest?

click today event and then click the anti guardian when you finish it you must become guardian to get ultra guardian armor but you dont need to be guardian if you buy the anti guardian

Is a guardian a parent?

No. A legal guardian is not a parent.No. A legal guardian is not a parent.No. A legal guardian is not a parent.No. A legal guardian is not a parent.

What is a residential guardian?

A guardian who lives with you

How can you be a guardian in aqworlds?

You can't exactly be a Guardian on AQWorlds, but you can verify on AQW that you have Guardian on the original Adventure Quest and get Guardian class in AQWorlds. :)