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Q: What is a chemical compound that donates hydrogen ions to a solution called?
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What scientists described a base as a compound that accepts a proton?

The Svante Arrhenius definition of an acid is a compound that donates a hydrogen ion (or proton) in an aqueous solution.

When a chemical loses a hydrogen ion is it behaving as an acid or a base?

When a chemical loses (or donates) a hydrogen bond, it is behaving as an acid.To help with this remember the acronym BAADBases Accept, Acids Donate

When the compound donates electrons what does that compound become?

When it donates electrons, the compound is going through a process called "ionic bonding"

An acid is a molecule that donates what?

Acid donates a hydrogen ion, a proton, to a solution. H +

What compound that produces hydrogen ions in solution is a?


What donates a hydrogen ion?

A hydrogen ion, when in reaction, usually donates its core which essentially is a proton that attracts negative charges, which in turn makes the positively charged hydrogen ion an electrophile.

Is A compound that produces hydrogen ions in solutions is a?

an ACID. In chemistry, anything that "donates" H+ ions to a solution is considered an acid. On the other hand, a base is an H+ "acceptor", meaning that it reduces the concentration of H+ ions in solution, thus raising the pH. Another way to look at it is that bases are hydroxide ion (OH-) "donators".

When a compound donates electrons the compound becomes what?

if a neutral atom donates an electron it will gain a positive charge. This is due to electrons having a negative charge.

Scientists described a base as a compound that donates an electron pair?

The Lewis Theory describes a base as a compound that donates an electron pair. By donating the electron pair there is a covalent bond.

A base donates what ions into solution?

-OH negative ions

What is the name of an acid that donates two hydrogen ions?

There are many such acids including sulfuric acid, sulfurus acid hydrogen sulfide.

What makes acid an acid?

There are a few ways to define an acid: 1- It increases the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration to a solution 2- It donates a proton 3- It accepts an electron pair to form a covalent bond.