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Q: What industry uses most of the groundwater pumped every year?
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Related questions

Is often groundwater must be be pumped to the surface To be used?

Groundwater does not have to be pumped to the surface to use, although that would seem the most logical way to get access to it. It has no difference on the make up of the water, or the purity.

What is the main water source for irrigating crops in the US?

Groundwater pumped from wells is the most common source, but some areas also use river water diverted through canals.

What is groundwater and why is groundwater pollution the most likely environmental danger of landfills?

Groundwater, simply, is the water beneath the surface of the ground.

What was the important industries?

Agriculture is the most important industry, its the base of every industry and society. The goverment of every country understands this and give subsidies to encorage it.

How is groundwater most obtained?

Groundwater is obtained from the ground by making a well and pumping the water

The most easily polluted groundwater reservoirs are?

The most easily polluted groundwater reservoirs are water table confined aquifers.

What is the most succsessful franchise ever?

There are successful Franchises from every industry. It just depends what industry are you interested in or focused into.

What is the source of most groundwater?


Is the groundwater the most of Earth's water located?


Which country has the most developed transportation industry?

The country that has the most developed transportation industry is America. They have public transport in every major city and a lot of minor cities which approximately 82 million people use every day.

What risk does this most likely pose?

contamination of groundwater

Where is groundwater stord in?

Groundwater is stored in an aquifer. It's basically a big pool of water underground. This is where most wells go down to.