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Jean-Francois Champollion was able to read hieroglyphs with the help of the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone was written in both ancient Greek and hieroglyphs which allowed Champollion to understand the Egyptian language.

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The Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799, played a significant role in cracking the code for hieroglyphics. It contained the same text in three scripts, including Greek, which scholars could read. By comparing the known Greek text with the unknown hieroglyphic text, they were able to decipher the meaning of the hieroglyphics.

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Q: What helped crack the code for hieroglyphics?
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Why is it called the Rosseter stone?

The Rosetta Stone is named after the town of Rosetta (Rashid) in Egypt where it was discovered in 1799. It became significant because it had inscriptions in three scripts, which helped in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Which artifact allowed scientists to translate hierglyphics?

The artifact that allowed scientists to translate hieroglyphics was the Rosetta Stone. It contained a decree in three scripts: hieroglyphics, Demotic script, and Greek. By comparing the Greek text with the two Egyptian scripts, scholars were able to decipher the hieroglyphics.

Are hieroglyphics still useful today?

yes but only a small weak form of this language is used today but only in a Coptic Church.

What do the hieroglyphics mean on Nabooti island?

The hieroglyphics on Nabooti Island are part of a code that needs to be deciphered in order to obtain the location of a hidden treasure. They represent different symbols and sounds in the ancient Egyptian writing system. Players must translate the hieroglyphics using a decoder found in the museum on the island to progress in the game.

What do the hieroglyphics mean on nabooti?

There are four hieroglyphics at the entrance to the Sphinx at Giza. It is uncertain what they actually "mean", but they indicate the order in which you are to climb the falling blocks. The Falling Blocks in the Sphinx You can only jump to one specific block on each of the 4 levels of blocks. There are four hieroglyphics in the Sphinx entryway. Remember the 4 symbols in ascending order (man, wavy sea, bird, eye) and jump on only those blocks, one block in each row. That is, only the big-head man in the first row, only the wavy sea in the second, only the bird on the third, only the eye on the fourth. When you reach the top, jump quickly to the rope. DO NOT JUMP ON THE STONES UNTIL YOU ARE SURE YOU WANT TO JUMP, FOR AS SOON AS YOUR FEET LEAVE, THEY WILL FALL.

Related questions

What was the name of the artifact that helped crack the code of hieroglyphics how did it help?

the name was the Rosetta stone

What helped decode hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone is the artifact that helped crack the code of the hieroglyphics. The Stone spells out a royal decree in a variety of languages, and the difference between the languages helped scholars figure out what each of them meant.

What language still spoken today helped decipher the hieroglyphic code?

The language that helped decipher the hieroglyphics was Greek.

What was the name of the artifact that helped crack the code of hieroglyphs How did it help?

the name was the Rosetta stone

What was the name of the artifact helped crack the code of hieroglyphs how did it help?

the name was the Rosetta stone

The key that helped scholars decode some Egyptian hieroglyphics is the?

The Rosetta Stone is the key that helped scholars decode some Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Did the Rosetta Stone help explain hieroglyphics or Roman numerals?

the Rosetta Stone helped explain hieroglyphics

Who helped historians understand hieroglyphics?

Jean François Champollion

How hieroglyphics helped Egyptians?

it would have helped them communicate in other ways, than just talking.

Who cracked the Egyptian hieroglyphics code?

The Ancient Egyptians.

What language helped scholars to understand the meaning of hieroglyphics on the Rosetta?


Which tool helped researchers decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone.