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Q: What happens to saliva when you swallow it?
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What happens in the mouth and throat during stress?

All of your saliva disappears and you can't swallow

What happens when you consistently swallow saliva?

Swallowing your saliva is a natural thing. It helps you taste food and digest food. And your saliva most definitely will NOT cause problems in your stomach, if it does, we are all in a bad way since your saliva is the only way you can swallow food. Your stomach acid is one of the most powerful acids known to man, so I highly doubt your saliva can hurt it. I think you're okay to swallow your own saliva.

Is it safe to swallow saliva?

Seriously? Saliva? That's spit... you swallow it every day without even thinking of it, especialy when you eat.

What causes saliva to sink down?

Saliva sinks down, when you swallow. But Saliva kills germs on your tongue.

What do children swallow?

spit and saliva B)

What can you do about the saliva that stays in your mouth?

swallow or spit.

How do you swallow saliva during makeout?

Close your mouth, swallow and start kissing again

Imagine that you chew a cracker and swallow it what roll does saliva play?

Saliva starts the digestion process.

What moistens foods makes it easier to swallow?


What moistens food and makes it easier to swallow?


What is mixed with chewed food to make it easier to swallow?

Mucin softens the food to allow it to slide down the oesophagous more easily

Is there any chemical digestion that takes place in the esophagus?

Yes there is, because chemical is the saliva and you swallow the saliva.