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Objectives for higher magnification are usually longer than those for lower magnification ...

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Q: What happens to length of objective when you change from low to high manification?
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Related questions

What happens if you decrease a telescopes eyepiece focal length?

The magnification of the telescope image is(focal length of the objective) divided by (focal length of the eyepiece).The focal length of the objective is fixed.Decreasing the focal length of the eyepiece increases the magnification of the image.(But it also makes the image dimmer.)

What happens to focal length when convex lens is cut horizontally?

no change

How are the numbers related to the length of the objective?

Because the length of the objectives depends on the total magnification. Example: Magnification: 50x (LPO) You can see that the lower the magnification,the length of objective is the smallest. Magnification: 500x (HPO) You can see that the higher the magnification, the length of objective is bigger than the other objectives. If the objective is lower, the number is lesser -Guinean026

Will the focal length of concave lens change in water?

no, because this happens only in the cases of lenses

How do you calculate magnification?

Divide the focal length of the objective lens by the focal length of the eyepiece.

How is magnifying power of telescope and a microscope are a affected by increasing the focal length of their objectives?

Increasing the focal length of the objective of a telescope will increase its magnifying power, allowing for higher magnification of distant objects. On the other hand, increasing the focal length of the objective of a microscope will decrease its magnifying power, as it will result in a wider field of view and lower magnification of small objects.

Does the numerical aperture of an objective depend on the focal length of the objective?

Yes, the numerical aperture of an objective lens is influenced by both its focal length and the refractive index of the medium it is used in. A higher numerical aperture typically corresponds to a shorter focal length, allowing for greater resolution and light-gathering ability.

What happens If a muscle is applied to a load that exceeds the muscle's maximum tension?

The muscle length will not change during a contraction.

Which part are the ocular and objectives connected to?

The telescope tube is between the eyepiece and the objective lenses. It usually consists of two tubes one of which slides inside the other to change the length.

What will decreasing a telescope's eyepiece focal length?

The magnification of the telescope image is(focal length of the objective) divided by (focal length of the eyepiece).The focal length of the objective is fixed.Decreasing the focal length of the eyepiece increases the magnification of the image.(But it also makes the image dimmer.)

If a telescope has an objective with a focal length of 50 centimeters and an eyepiece with a focal length of 25 millimeter what will be the magnification?


What is more powerful out of the Objective or the Eye piece lens?

The objective lens is typically more powerful than the eyepiece lens in a microscope. The objective lens is responsible for magnifying the specimen, while the eyepiece lens further magnifies the image created by the objective lens.