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What type of license are you referring to? If the corporation is dissolved, everything relating to the corporation would also be voided. This would vary based on regulations of the state that the corporation is registered and based in also.

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Q: What happens to a corporation's license if the corporation is dissolved?
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If you already have a c36 ca license that your corporation now holds do you need to retake exam for a new c36 license?

if the corporation is dissolved or sold, you would need to retake the exam. the corporation holds the license and it can not be transfered to an indevidual. as long as the corporation has a qualifying indevidual to oporate under the license youll be fine.

Can a corporation be terminated at any time?

Yes, but with a reason. The state or licensing agency has to have found error, fault or deception, anything along those lines, to terminate their corporation. As for personal termination of a corporation, yes, they can also, simply because they wish to be no longer a corporation. They have to renew licenses, so just dont file to renew the license, making the corporation without a license and then it slowly just goes away and is dissolved.

What is chartering corporations?

A license granted by the state that gives the business the right to operate.

How can you get license to sell Nike shoes?

Talk to the Nike corporation

What is the license to form a corporation issued by the state government?

A Certificate Of Incorporation

What is the license to form a corporation by state government called?

A Certificate Of Incorporation

What does the term 'professional corporation' refer to?

The term professional corporation refers to a corporation that is formed for the purpose of operating a profession that requires a license to practice. These include physicians, attorneys, and dentists.

What is the license to form a corporation issued by the state government called?

A Certificate Of Incorporation

Why are your names all capital letter on your driver license?

The name is corporation, not a person.

What is a chartered corporation?

A license granted by the state that gives the business the right to operate.

Does an independent contractor need a license to work for a contractor?

Whether a contractor can work under another's business license depends on the type of business license. If someone has a corporation then they can have a lot of businesses under their license.

What happens if you get your license before the court date of a trial for not having a license?

If you get your license, you are still going to have to go to court. The court hearing is for when you did not have your license.