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The gall bladder is a little sack on the bottom of the liver. The liver produces bile, an enzyme used in digestion, then pumps the excess bile into the gall bladder to be stored. When the bile is needed in the intestines the bile is pumped out of the gall bladder through the common bile duct.

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Q: What happens in your gallbladder?
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What happens to the space left after your gallbladder is removed?

Gallbladder is situated in liver , which fills the space .

What happens when the gallbladder is shrivelled?

what is a shrivelled gall bladder

What happens to the gallbladder during a cholecystectomy?

It is removed and disposed of by the hospital along with other potentially biohazardous waste.

What happens if size of gallbladder in the stomach increases?

Your gallbladder isn't in your stomach. It is located near the liver, and stores the bile that the liver produces. If the size of the gallbladder increases, it might be an indication of a problem, and a doctor would be able to tell you whether you should have it removed.

What happens if you eat too much salami?

You get fat and gassy and could cause gallbladder problems

What happens if the size of the gallbladder increases?

There could be something wrong, and it might need to be removed.

What happens once gallstones are formed?

As the bile crystals aggregate to form stones, they move about, eventually occluding the outlet and preventing the gallbladder from emptying. This blockage results in irritation, inflammation, and sometimes infection (cholecystitis) of the gallbladder.

Is there an artificial gallbladder?

There is no artificial gallbladder that can act as a replacement for the human gallbladder.

What spot is your gallbladder in?

were is your gallbladder in your body

What are the telltale symptoms of gallbladder problems?

Gallbladder problems are difficult to detect until an attack occurs. When this happens the person suffering the attack with feel extreme sharp pain in their back between their shoulders, sides, and other parts of the body.

What is attached to the gallbladder?

The gallbladder is attached to the bile duct by a small tube called the cystic duct

What can cause pain in the gallbladder?

Gallstones cause pain and blockage in the gallbladder. More rarely, a person can get cancer of the gallbladder, but this is very rare.