you get a tingle in your shock area then you might feel like you want to faint so nothing happens unless you stay by the outlet shocking yourself you get burned and your tissues go to the hospital if that happens
Getting shocked by an outlet can cause pain, muscle spasms, burns, and even serious injuries like cardiac arrhythmias. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience a shock from an outlet to assess for any potential internal injuries or long-term effects. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the electrical system is properly grounded and there are no exposed wires to prevent future incidents.
Because you will be electric shocked
This could be due to a fault in the wiring or the outlet itself, causing the metal surfaces to become live with electricity. It is important to turn off the power to that outlet immediately and have a qualified electrician inspect and repair the issue to prevent the risk of electrical shock or fire.
If an outlet is not grounded, it means that there is no path for excess electrical current to safely dissipate. This can increase the risk of electric shock or fire in the event of a short circuit or power surge. It may also cause interference with electronic devices connected to the outlet.
Plugging a lower drain machine into a higher drain outlet is perfectly fine, the outlet will be able to deliver all that the machine needs. And the machine will only use up what it needs, so having excess at the outlet isn't going to hurt anything. The other way around, a machine pulling more than the outlet can deliver, will trip the breaker or blow the fuse.
It may work but will probably surge it...power coming in from both directions
Licking an outlet is not preferred. If you lick an outlet, there are chances that you may get shocked.
you get shocked :D
Because you will be electric shocked
you stick your tongue in the outlet and however many seconds you are shocked is how many rms are there
The unit will run but you may get shocked by touching it, now or sometime in the future.
cover it with a rubber tube coatwhile the breakers are all on off if in an outlet to protect from being shocked
I have the same question, especially if the outlet was a heavy duty vending machine outlet. After I plugged a hair dryer into it, something went wrong. I recovered, but my health hasn't been the same.
You will be electrocuted.
You get shocked, too.
The shock would probably kill you! So don't even think about doing such a stupid thing!
I will shocked,i will cry because happy to see him,i will hug him and i will kiss him..xD..!!