because in greek, they were rare medicine trees
Most slaves were barbarians (non-Greeks). On rare occasions, Greeks would be sold into slavery, but that was usually a violation of a cultural taboo.
they wore particularly bright colors like red,orange,yellow,and green
Yes and no, it was possible to buy ones way out of slavery, and it was easier to receive Manumission than in the American South, but it was still rare. Most slaves were Barbarians, and, therefore, the Greeks considered them inferior.
The theatre in Ancient Greece was accessible to all members of the community. The masses were able to attend alongside the elite, and all could enjoy the entertainment. The elite had nicer, more comfortable seats in better locations, but the masses were always welcome in the theaters. It was very rare to make a living as a playwright in Ancient Greece, so playwrights could come from any social class, and in this way too the theatre was accessible to both the masses and the elite.
it is not rare but it is a minority
Blond hair is the second rarest hair in the world but, red is top most rare hair color.
Rare Egyptian Henna...
because in greek, they were rare medicine trees
because the parents have to have a brown, green, or vary rare blue gene to make the eye color or the hair color.
While platinum blond hair is rare, some individuals are born with this hair color due to genetic factors. However, as these individuals grow older, their hair color may darken or change.
Either dirty blonde or ginger hair. Only 1 in 5 people would have ginger hair but dirty blonde is pretty rare coz it's not blonde but it's not brown so yeh :)
the Greek women wore their hair in braids, arrange on the top of their head or in ponytails. They like to curl it and blond hair was rare so they tried to bleach it.
Animals don't talk back, and virgins were rare. Also their souls were important... or some fluff like that.
No. Mainland Greece was very poor in terms of useful resources to ancient peoples. There were not a lot trees nor many precious metals. Cyprus was rich in copper, but tin was elusive, making bronze very rare and special in Greece.'Greece's most abundant resources were olives, grapes, and bountiful seafood. Aside from foods, Greece had almost nothing but rocky outcroppings.
They are rare because many know that it is not fair at all, and no citizen can change the leader. It was used in Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages, but the leaders chose the other leader, so no person had any right.