first names beginning with C:
last names beginning with C:
both initials C:
First Name:
· Carl Lewis (track)
· Carol Burnett (comedian)
· Caroline Kennedy (daughter of President John F. Kennedy)
· Carrie Underwood (singer)
· Celine Dion (singer)
· Charles Barkley (basketball)
· Charles Dickens (author)
· Charlie Sheen (actor)
· Cher (entertainer)
· Chris Evert (tennis)
· Christina Aguilera (singer)
· Chuck Norris (actor)
· Clara Barton (founder of the American Red Cross)
· Claude Monet (artist)
· Cleopatra (Pharaoh of ancient Egypt)
· Condoleezza Rice (U.S. Secretary of State)
· Crystal Gale (singer)
Last Name:
· Julius Caesar (Roman ruler)
· Nicolas Cage (actor)
· Glen Campbell (singer)
· Truman Capote (author)
· Mariah Carey (singer)
· Johnny Carson (TV talk show host)
· Jimmie Carter (U.S. President)
· Johnny Cash (singer)
· Fidel Castro (Cuba President)
· Wilt Chamberlain (basketball)
· Carol Channing (entertainer)
· Ray Charles (singer)
· Chubby Checker (singer)
· Agatha Christie (author)
· Dick Clark (TV & radio personality)
· Mary Higgins Clark (author)
· Tom Clancy (author)
· Cassius Clay (boxer)
· Grover Cleveland (U.S. President)
· Kim Clijsters (tennis)
· Patsy Cline (singer)
· William Clinton (U.S. President)
· George Clooney (actor)
· Ty Cobb (baseball)
· Christopher Columbus (explorer)
· Ray Conniff (bandleader)
· Jimmy Connors (tennis)
· Calvin Coolidge (U.S. President)
· Kevin Costner (actor)
· Bob Cousy (basketball)
· Michael Crichton (author)
· Davy Crockett (frontiersman and American folk hero)
· Bing Crosby (singer)
· Tom Cruise (actor)
· Marie Curie (physicist & chemist)
· Clive Cussler (author)
· Billy Ray Cyrus (entertainer)
· Miley Cyrus (singer, actress)
Calvin Coolidge: 30th President of the United States.
Cesar Chavez: He was an American labor rights hero for supporting labor rights for Mexican migrant farm workers. He co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers.
Charlie Chaplin: He was an Academy Award-winning English comedic actor. He was one of the most famous actors as well as a notable director, composer and musician in the early to mid Hollywood cinema era.
Christopher Columbus: He was an Italian explorer who realized that the world was round and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492.
Courtney Cox: She was a former fashion model and now a famous actress.
Chace Crawford: He is a famous actor. He is also known for having dated Carrie Underwood.
Cab Calloway: He was a big band leader who always appeared in white tails, known for his theme song "Minnie the Moocher".
Chester Carlson: He invented the photocopy (Xerox) process.
Carlos Castaneda: He was an American anthropologist and author, whose books describe his supposed experiences as an apprentice to a native Mexican sorcerer. His 12 books have sold more than 8 million copies in 17 languages.
Camilo Jose Cela: He was a Spanish writer and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Coco Chanel: She was a French fashion and perfume designer, her Chanel No. 5 was the first perfume to bear a designer's name.
Charo: She is a Spanish and American singer, dancer, comedian, actress and classical guitarist. She is known for her flamboyant stage presence, provocative outfits, and her trademark phrase " Cuchi cuchi".
Cleopatra . Mark Anthonys' Eygptian Girlfriend!
Chevy Chase: He is an American Emmy Award-winning comedian, writer, and television and film actor. He was also an original cast member of the TV show "Saturday Night Live", star of the National Lampoon "Vacation" movies.
Chubby Checker: He was an American Rock and Roll singer-songwriter best known for popularizing the dance The Twist with his 1960 song "The Twist".
Connie Chung: She is known as a News anchor and reporter, who co-anchored the "CBS Evening News" with Dan Rather for a time.
Craig Claiborne: He was a New York Times food editor and critic for many years, helped popularize new foods with the American public.
Claudia Cohen: She was a high-profile gossip reporter often seen on "Live with Regis & Kelly".
Cristiano Ronaldo
A Coati.
The word beginning with C that is the name for heat flowing through solids is conduction.
Carlise Thistle
Cristiano Ronaldo
Charlie Chaplin or Winston Churchill
Julius Caesar is a famous former Roman ruler. Johnny Carson is a famous former TV talk show host. Wilt Chamberlain is a famous professional basketball player.
Swiss CHEESEchocolate
Charles Conrad
first name C: * Calvin Klein last name C: * Liz Claiborn
Columbus, Cervantes, Copernicus, Calvin, and Curie, to name a few.
A Coati.
Chrysanthemum or carnation.
ford cougar
Carrigaholt Castle.