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This element is tellurium with a covalent atomic radius of 140 pm.

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Q: What elements would have the largest atomic radii sulfur oxygen selenium tellurium?
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What neighboring elements have atomic masses out of order?

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What are the elements in group 5A?

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What elements has the smallest atomic radius bromine sulfur chlorine or selenium?

Chlorine will have the smallest atomic radius, bromine the largest.

Which two elements on a periodic table be reversed if you used atomic mass?

Tellurium (Te) and iodine (I) would be in reverse order if the elements were placed in order of atomic mass instead of atomic number.

What do the elements in the oxygen family have in common?

Oxygen Family (16) - occur elementally in nature and in combined states - consists of three nonmetals (oxygen, sulfur, and selenium), one metalloid (tellurium), and one metal (polonium) - have six valence electrons - tend to form covalent compounds with other elements - tend to exist as diatomic and polyatomic molecules, such as O2, O3, S6, S8, and Se8 - commonly exist in compounds with the -2 oxidation state, but often exhibit other oxidation states

Why did mendeleev place tellurium before iodine?

Iodine's atomic number is 53 whereas tellurium's is 52. Atomic number is basically the number of protons that an element has. Therefore, as iodine has more protons than tellurium, it appears later in the table.

How tellurium and iodine show the periodic table is not arranged on basic of increasing atomic mass?

They show that the periodic table isn't arranged on the basis of increasing atomic mass because iodine has a mass lesser than tellurium. Iodine has a mass of 126.90 and tellurium has a mass of 127.60.

What happened to the atomic mass of the elements moving from left to right within a period?

The Atomic Mass usually increases, but there are a few exceptions, such as tellurium to iodine.

What ordered pairs of elements shows an increase in atomic number but a decrease in average atomic mass?

this happens with argon and potassium, and also with cobalt nickel. fun stuff.

What is the atomic mass of tellurium?

I want to know what the atomic mass of tellurium is......... It has not answered my question and I would like to know the answer....

Which group of the main group elements contains the largest elements - Atomic Radius?

Group-1 has largest atomic radius. It decreases across a period

What elements has the LARGEST atom?

Element hassium has the largest Atomic Mass.