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Q: What element has an atomic number of 92?
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Related questions

What atomic number would isotope of U have?

Uranium is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 92.

How many protons does an element with an atomic number of 92 have?

it's 92

What is the atomic number of the isotope uranium?

Uranium is a metal element. Atomic number of it is 92.

What is uraniums atomic number?

Uranium is a radioactive element. It is in the f block. We use it for make energy.

What atomic number would an isotope of uranium have?

The atomic number of uranium is 92; all the elements under uranium (under 92) were discovered.

What atomic number would an istope of U have?

Uranium is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 92.

What is the definition for number of protons in the nucleus of an atom?

The number of protons in neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is defined as atomic mass. The average atomic mass for all the isotopes of an element is given as the element's atomic weight. This is why atomic weights are decimal numbers.

What is the atomic number for the element U?

The atom number for U (uranium) is 92

If an element has an atomic number of 45 and an atomic mass of 92 the number of protons it has is?

The atomic number always gives the number of protons or electrons. The neutrons are obtained by subtracting the number of protons from the atomic mass. In this example, since 45 is the atomic number, this element has 45 protons. since the mass is 92, the number of neutrons is 92-45= 47. However, this is not really true because the element with 45 as atomic number is rhodium and it has a mass of 103 u and hence a total of 58 neutrons.

What is a uranium element?

Uranium is a natural chemical element, metal, solid, radioactive.The atomic number is 92 and the atomic weight is 238,02891(3).

What is the name of the element that has the symbol U?

The element represented by the letter 'U' is uranium (atomic number 92).

Which natural non-synthetic element has the highest atomic number on the periodic table?

Element 92 Uranium