A green arrow showing same time as a red light proceed carefully in the direction of the arrow after yielding the right-of-way to other vehicles and perdestrians
If the green arrow shows for the direction you want to turn then you obey the green arrow, the red light is for all other traffic. The green arrow basically overrules the red light for the direction of the arrow.
The green arrow is what is often known as a "filter." This means vehicles are permitted to proceed with caution in the direction indicated by the arrow.
The Red Light Is Telling Everyone To Stop. The Green Arrow Is Telling You It Is Ok To Turn At That Time (Which Ever Way The Light Is Pointing).
A solid yellow arrow at a traffic light means that the signal is about to change from a green arrow to a red arrow and you should prepare to stop. It usually indicates that you should clear the intersection if you are already in it, but not make any new turns.
People are allowed to turn in the direction the arrow is pointing, but they can not go straight across the road, that should really be common since.
It means you replied to the message that the person sent you. A dark green arrow means you forwarded the e-mail and a red arrow mean you forwarded twice or more.
You may turn in the direction the arrow is indicating. No other maeuvers are allowed.
You may turn in the direction the arrow is indicating. No other maeuvers are allowed.
You may turn in the direction the arrow is indicating. No other maeuvers are allowed.
You may turn in the direction the arrow is indicating. No other maeuvers are allowed.
you must stop if traveling straight...you can go which ever way the green arrow is pointing, left or right.
The green arrow is what is often known as a "filter." This means vehicles are permitted to proceed with caution in the direction indicated by the arrow.