In the weeds is restaurant slang used to describe a server who is hopelessly behind.
An online glossary of restaurant terms puts it like this: "A colloquial expression used when persons are near or beyond their capacity to handle a situation or cannot catch up. Struggling. Very busy."
t is the average number of weeds. The average is found by adding the total number of weeds for all three plots, then dividing that total by the number of plots. For example, ifplot #1 has 200 weeds, plot #2 has 180 weeds, and plot #3 has 274 weeds, the mean number of weeds for all three plots would be 218. (200+180+274) divided by 3.
A leafy sea dragon looks like a seahorse that has been uncurled and stuck with twigs. If you mean how to pick it out in a body of weeds, it's surprisingly difficult but I would look for the sharp patterns on the head or look for the long horizontal shape among verticle weeds
A farmer might want to know the mean number of weeds in three plots of land. This number would be the average number of weeds on the farm. This number can be calculated by adding the number of weeds in all three plots, and then dividing by three.
Nafaria is the goddess of weeds.
Translation: Weeds OR underbrush
It means smoking and getting intoxicated on marijuana.
It means you are stuck
The collective nouns are a clump of weeds or a patch of weeds.
She can't leave you alone; she's stuck to you and can't help it.
Even weeds are lplants and many weeds have flowers so flower are both plants and weeds. flowers you dont want growing where they are are weeds. as are plants.
It means stuck!