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Q: What does potential benefit mean?
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Which of the fallowing is not a potential benefit of using more nuclear energy?

One potential negative aspect of using more nuclear energy is the risk of accidents and the potential for radioactive contamination.

Does Clarinase affect pregnancy?

They don't know so it should be used only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. Speak to your doctor.

Why do people still drill for oil if it could be a potential threat to causing oil spills?

The risk analysis shows that the potential for benefit outweighs the potential for loss. In other words, it is worth the risk.

What is the benefit of being an olympic athlete?

The benefit of being an Olympic athlete might include fame and notoriety. Another benefit could include increased earning potential later in life due to that fame.

What benefit is provided by pain?

Pain serves to alert a person to potential or actual damage to the body.

What do scientists and entrepreneurs see as a potential benefit of protecting the Amazon rain forest?

Fighting disease.

What does benefit mean in Tagalog?

The word "benefit" in Tagalog translates to "benepisyo."

What does availeth mean?

Profit or benefit

What is constitutionality mean?

(constitutional) of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup; "constitutional walk".

What constitutionality mean?

(constitutional) of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup; "constitutional walk".

The potential benefit that is given up when one alternative is selected over another is called?

an opportunity cost