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That means there has been found a match to the child's DNA and the person tested has been predicted to be the biological father.

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Q: What does is mean when a man is not excluded as the biological father?
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It means that a man who is the biological father of a child admits it is his child. He acknowledges paternity or fatherhood.

How should you react when you find out that your dad didn't father you?

Do you mean the man you thought was your dad is not your BIOLOGICAL father? Is this a man who raised you, loved you, and supported you? You owe that man respect. Of course it is a shock, but don't confuse a father with the person who got your mother pregnant.

Do you have to married for the non biological father to sign child's birth certificate in Texas?

Except in an adoption, there is no such person as a "non biological father." The only man who should be signing a birth certificate is the child's biological father. Any other man who signs it is making an illegal statement.

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Yes, a gay man can become a father. gay men usually opt for adoption, but they can also use surrogates to father biological children.

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Is it legal for a judge in pinellas Florida to order child support for a child that is not biological a man child?

Assuming you mean, "not the man's biological child," - the judge must first determine that the man is the child's father by, e.g., marriage to the mother at time of conception/birth, adoption, DNA testing, acknowledgment of paternity, etc.

What would you call a biological father who is not yet been legally established as the child's father by a court?

The term "Putative Father" is referred to the biological father who is not yet been legally established as the child's father by a court. A "putative father" is a term used in many states to describe a man who is either alleged to be the father or claims to be the biological father but who is not married to the mother at the time of the child's birth.

Whose Lil Wayne father?

bird man / baby BUTTTTT.. his biological father is Dwayne Michael carter (lil Wayne has the same name as his father)

What is paternity fraud?

Basically it is when a woman makes a false claim of the identity of the biological father of her child or children. There are a few states which have established laws pertainint to the issue, most states assume that any man named as the biological father will remain legally so until the claim is contested and paternity is determined by DNA or a traditional blood test. Such a charge is usually brought in civil court when a man contests paternity and seeks relief and restitution for monies already paid for child support or to be excluded from the legal responsibility of payment of support.

Whose DNA samples are required for DNA paternity testing?

A child inherits half of their DNA from the biological Mother and half their DNA from the biological Father. The DNA profiles are then compared (on a 16 genetic marker basis) to establish whether the alleged father is indeed the biological Father of the child. If the alleged father is the biological Father of the child, then all the loci will match and he will be included as being the Father with a guaranteed probability in excess of 99.99% when the mother is included. The probability is normally over 99.9% if the Mother is not included. If the man tested is not the biological Father of the child he will be 100% excluded resulting in a probability of paternity of 0%.

If a man signs the birth certificate and has been there since the birth of the child and find out 6 years later that he isn't the biological father what rights does he have to the child?

If you're in the US, he has the same rights as any other father, because he is the legal father (biological is irrelevant at this point).