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1. To drive (coches), to convey, to carry, or conduct a thing from one place to another. (n)

2. To conduct, to guide or direct to a place, to show the way, to lead (un ejército).(n)

3. To direct, to manage, to conduct or adjust any affair or business. (n)

  • Los cables conducen la electricidad -> the cables carry the electricity; me condujeron por un pasillo, they led me along a passage

4. (n)

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Q: What does conducir mean in English?
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'Drive' in Spanish is maneja.

How do you say Drive in spanish?

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DUI is an American legal abbreviation referring to "driving under the influence [of alcohol]". -- DUI es una abreviatura legal que conota "conducir bajo de la influencia [de alcohol]". The Spanish term for this used by the US government is "manejar bajo la influencia" or DUI as in English. -- El término para esto que usa el gobierno estadounidense es "manejar bajo la influencia" o DUI como en inglés.

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The translation is carnet de conducir.

Is Conducir irregular yo form in spanish?

There are two types of irregular verbs in Spanish: Orthographic changing verbs (which are when the end of verb is changed to try to preserve pronunciation) and Radical changing verbs (which is when the root of the verb changes for no necessary reason).Conducir is an orthographic changing verb as it follows the rules for -cer/-cir verbs. The yo form in the present tense of conducir is conduzco.

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How do you say let me drive in spanish?

you can say " Permíteme Transferirte! " or "Permítame transferirle"