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The organelles contain ATP molecules.

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Q: What does chemical analysis of mitochondria indicate about these organelles?
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Do peroxisomes interact with other organelles?

Peroxisomes are called the recycle bin of the cell and are responsible for degrading unwanted and foreign proteins. There is no evidence to indicate the interaction of the peroxisome with other organelles directly. However, there is an indirect interaction since waste to junk proteins are sometimes packaged into vesicles and transported off to the peroxisome for degradation.

What should not be used to indicate a chemical reaction?

Change of shape can not be used to indicate a chemical reaction has happened. Examples of evidence of a chemical reaction are changes in odor or color.

Can the development of a solid can indicate the occurrence of a chemical change?


What is the chemical structure of solid?

The chemical formula for solids is like the regular chemical formula of an element or compound. The only difference is that an "(s)" is added next to the right end of the formula to indicate the phase. Example: What is the chemical formula of solid sodium chloride (NaCl) ? Chemical formula: NaCl Chemical formula to indicate that it is a solid: NaCl (s) Additional information: The "(s)" abbreviation is used to indicate that the compound is a solid. A "(g)" abbreviation is used to indicate that the compound is a gas. A "(l)" abbreviation is used to indicate that the compound is a liquid. An "(aq)" abbreviation is used to indicate that the compound is dissolved, and therefore soluble, in water.

How do chemist indicate a reversible reaction when writing a chemical equation?

With this symbol:

Related questions

How do you know a cell is prokaryote?

Absence of nucleus , mitochondria and other membrane bound organelles indicate prokaryotic cell .

How do you know if a cell is prokaryotic?

It has no membrane bound organelles and it's DNA is not kept in a nucleus or associated with histones

What do chemical symbols indicate?

Chemical symbols indicate elements.

Do peroxisomes interact with other organelles?

Peroxisomes are called the recycle bin of the cell and are responsible for degrading unwanted and foreign proteins. There is no evidence to indicate the interaction of the peroxisome with other organelles directly. However, there is an indirect interaction since waste to junk proteins are sometimes packaged into vesicles and transported off to the peroxisome for degradation.

What do you use a chemical indicator for?

to indicate what the chemical is.

Can you use the same title of a poem when you write an analysis?

Since the analysis is of the poem, you must indicate the title in the analysis.

What organ systems provide the mitochondria with the food that they break down to release energy?

No organ system has this function. The mitochondria are found in nearly every of the trillions of cells found in your body. The number of mitochondria per cell varies widely; for example, in humans, erythrocytes (red blood cells) do not contain any mitochondria, whereas liver cells and muscle cells may contain hundreds or even thousands. Mitochondria are unlike other cellular organelles in that they have two distinct membranes and a unique genome and reproduce by binary fission; these features indicate that mitochondria share an evolutionary past with prokaryotes (single-celled organisms).

What in general terms does a chemical equation indicate?

A chemical equation is the representation of a chemical reaction.

What does sufa in sgot test indicate?

Specimen unsuitable for analysis

What do scientists do to indicate a chemical change occurrence?

They write a chemical equation.

The coeficients in a chemical equation indicate?

The coefficients in front indicate the number of actual molecules in the entire formula. This shows a balanced chemical equation.

What does information reports indicate?

Facts without analysis, interpretations or recommendations