That shows what set it belongs to. If you see a square symbol with black and white corners, then this means it belongs to the new Black and White set, for example. There are dozens of symbols to represent the many Pokemon trading card sets that have been released.
Here are the symbols: raindrop= water types flame= fire types lightning bolt= electric types leaf=grass types fist= fighting types star= normal types eye= psychic, ghost, and poison types target= steel types black circle= dark types
There are multiple numbers on a Pokemon card. There is the HP number located at the top right side of the cards. Its how much life, or Health Points that Pokemon has. There is also weight and height which is self explanatory. Then there are the numbers located on the right middle side of the card which is there Damage points. Those are how much damage they can produce to inflict hurt onto another Pokemon's HP. The card also has dates when the company began which are also all self explanatory on the bottom of the card.
you go to the royal battle in the bottom right hand corner
It's at the building site, in the top right hand corner.
About £1-£3 sometimes up to 5 pounds if u have the right cards! :D personal experience :P i have alot of pokemon cards from 1995 im just saving em up :)
you go to a Pokemon center, walk up to the PC in the upper right corner and press "A", press; someones PC then choose what you want to do
My Pokemon brings all the boys to the yard, And there like, you wanna trade cards? Damn right i wanna trade cards, I'll trade this but not Charizard!
there is a game corner on Pokemon soulsilver in goldenrod city right above the Pokemon centre
The Pokemon Mansion is in the top right corner of Cinnabar.
top right corner of the city
It means your Pokemon had pokerus and was cured.
This is how you do it. When you go in the Dojo, at the bottom right corner, you see three cards. Click on that then a window pops up. At the bottom right corner of that window, it says add new cards. Click on that. There you go!!!!!
Top right corner of Veilstone city
in the last bottom right corner
One is on the upper right corner of the cryptobox room. AFAIK you need other people to send their cards to you.
If its a old vestroia card its probably in the bottom right hand corner if its a new vestroia its probably in the left hand hand corner i think:)
It's in celadon city right below the pokemon center and to the left.
You go to the game corner and in the bottom right corner is a machine take photo and it will have the Pokemon in your party on your card, you can also change the colour of the card.
U answer on the bottom right corner then u click your cards and then u click add cards