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Q: What did paul do when he was captured?
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Why is William Dawes less famous than Paul Revere?

Cause Paul Revere got captured and William was smart enough to not get captured

Who captured the British Serapis?

John Paul Jones

Did Williams Dawes get captured during his ride with Paul Revere?

yes he did ..he got captured by the british patrol

How was Paul Revere captured by the British?

because Paul revere was on a midnight ride and his route he was on the british were on too

Where did Paul Revere made the midnight ride?

Paul Revere started from Boston and ended ion Lexington where he captured.

Who captured Paul Revere when he was trying to warn his people then let him go without the horse?

The British officers captured Paul Revere when he was trying to warn his people and he had to leave his horse because the British said so. The British officers captured Paul Revere when he was trying to warn his people and he had to leave his horse because the British said so.

Who warned the colonist before Lexington and Concorde were captured by the British?

Paul Revere

What Patriot sailor gained fame when he captured the British warship Serapis in 1779?

john paul Jones

Was paul revere killed when captured b they brits?

no he lived and he was fat and happy when he died

After Paul Revevre was captured who took over the ride to concord?

Dr. Samuel Prescot

What problems Paul revere face?

Paul Revere got captured by british soldier men along his ride to wherever he was going! idk

Who finished Paul Reveres ride?

There was Paul Revere, William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott. William and Paul were captured but Dr. Samuel Prescott made it out and signaled the Americans about the Redcoats.