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The Smoking Mirror is not a physical object, it's more about the idea of self-reflection and contemplation about ones own place in the world around us, the belief that all things in nature [including humans] are interconnected and dependent on each other for survival. It speaks of reflections of ourselves that are seen in others, and teaches each person to look for similarity rather than difference when viewing others. The Smoking mirror allows the "smoke screen" of personal illusions to be pierced by enlightenment, and the viewer is able to see beyond the relm of being the "only one". It teaches each person that when any part of the world is thoughtlessly destroyed, many other interdependent parts suffer.

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Q: What did Mayans do with the Sacred Smoking Mirrors?
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The web address of the Chapel Of Sacred Mirrors is:

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The phone number of the Chapel Of Sacred Mirrors is: 845-297-2323.

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