Most likely old age. He was in his 80's at the time and that was advanced age for that time period.
Benjamin Orr was born on September 8, 1947.
Benjamin Mays died in 1984.
Benjamin Caesar died in 1867.
Benjamin Banneker died on October 9th 1806.
Benjamin Franklin Reinhart died in 1885.
Benjamin G. Orr died in 1822.
Benjamin G. Orr was born in 1762.
Benjamin Orr was born on September 8, 1947.
Benjamin Orr's birthday is on March 23, 1947. Passed away October 3, 2000 in Atlanta, GA. At the age of 53.
Benjamin Orr
Stay the Night - Benjamin Orr song - was created in 1986.
Tony Orr's birth name is Anthony Benjamin Orr.
Look up THE LEGACY at Yahoo groups. Dawn-Marie Roach runs it with Benjamin Orr's manager David Tedeschi. She has an extensive knowledge of Benjamin and has a few photographs there. He is kept private curtsey to the requests of Benjamin Orr, friends and family. This is the only reparable group out there for Mr Orr.
No he did not
She stated that she left Benjamin Orr because of his drinking and the fact that he had begun carrying a gun.
Ben Orr's birth name is Benjamin Orzechowski.